Virtual reality lab bij de TU Delft
30 mei 2019 
1 min. leestijd

Virtual reality lab bij de TU Delft

The BK faculty houses one of the best academic labs in virtual reality when it comes to visual representation. Anyone interested in new technologies for design and engineering is welcome.

From detail to urban design and from visualization tool to design method. The possibilities with VR are endless, and the same goes for its use in design and engineering. As part of the bachelor curriculum the VR-Lab provides support for students in several courses. In addition to that, students in their masters can choose an elective in which they learn to model their own fictitious virtual reality environment. Both will provide the student with extra tools for design and research.

Virtual reality in practice

Outside of the courses, the VR-lab provides assistance to students who are interested in using virtual reality in their graduation project. This can range from merely helping with turning a 3D-model into a VR-model to supplying the necessary tools for using VR in research. Students with varying topics from different faculties know their way towards the BK VR-Lab. Not only students are welcome in the VR-lab but also researchers, professors and people from outside the faculty and TU can contact them. Currently, the lab houses four separate VR booths equipped with all the tools needed. However, the lab is in constant movement, innovating and expanding their research on different tools such as augmented reality.

Projects they have been supporting range from testing façades, to modeling a complete design in VR, to real-life feeling and seeing the impact of sunlight and wind in a virtual room (in collaboration with Senselab).


If you want to know more about the possibilities the VR-Lab has to offer, please contact Arno Freeke or Arend-Jan Krooneman or check the website.

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